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Shifting the Freqency of the Planet

Raise the Vibration

Welcome to Raise the Vibration!

Chances are if you are here, you are here to help raise the frequency of the earth and to help humanity come together and realize that we are all one. We are raising the vib through gratitude, meditation, music and facilitators and healers.

Want to connect with people who are grateful?

How about with people that are meditating at the same time as you?

Do you want to learn more about who is doing what and where people are facilitating healing, workshops and retreats?

You have come to the right place.

Connect with Graditude

Connect with Meditation

Connect with Practioners and Expansion

Read and Listen

Raise your vib “The Pause” in 17 seconds.

Listen to music

Raise your vib with music

A Human Collective

We are a human collective that is stronger together, unified and loving. For too long we have felt that separation and aloneness. For too long we have taken sides instead of coming together. Now we can see that we are all the same in our humanity reaching for fun, joy, and expansion! My intent is that this site touches and connects millions of people all over the world, so please go out and share with others this project of connection and unity.

We’ll bring it right down to the sand!

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About Divi Rental

1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220


(255) 352-6258

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